Lifting weights is a great option for toning and strengthening of muscles. Not only does it make one look good but also assists in maintaining a buoyant health. The forthcoming article aims at exploring the niceties of this workout regime.
If you are reading this article, then you have probably decided to take time out from your busy schedule and hit the gym. That’s great news! But, are you clear about the objectives that you wish to achieve at the end of the physical training session? Putting it in simple words, have you decided whether you want to develop large muscles like those of body builders, or do you want a well-toned body that is free of flabs?
It is here that you need to understand that, although thought to be very similar, weightlifting is essentially different from bodybuilding. While bodybuilding aims at increasing muscle size and reducing the levels of body fat, the objective of lifting weights is to toughen the muscles without attempting to decrease the body fat.
Weight training has been a popular sport much before it was incorporated in the first Olympic Games, held in Athens, in 1896. However, now it is widely followed as part of the fitness program and is popular with both men and women. This fitness program involves lifting of free weights, like dumbbells and barbells and training on various other machines, like treadmill and stationary bikes.
The Various Benefits of Weightlifting
Stronger Muscles
Lifting weights involves strengthening of muscles, which enables one to comfortably lift and hold maximum possible load. This slowly makes one efficient enough to carry out simple activities, like lifting one’s toddler or carrying the grocery bags.
Tones and Reshapes the Body
This fitness program improves the muscle tone, and it is useful in reshaping problematic areas, like the arms and butts. However, one might have to include a low-carb diet and a few cardiovascular activities to attain the desired result.
Greater Stability
As one gains strength, the joints and muscles begin to work in a more coordinated manner to improve flexibility, stamina, and stability. It also reduces the incidence of injuries. The advantages of weight training are more significant in the older population. With age, there is an immense loss of muscle mass. Balancing one’s movement is another problem experienced in old age. However, this training program can help in combating these debilities.
Increases Bone Strength and Density
Attempting to lose fatty tissue by just restricting the intake of calories can lead to loss of bone mass and density. However, the inclusion of weight training in any fat-loss program can help in preventing this problem. It is specially useful for women as it aids in fighting osteoporosis.
Lowers Blood Pressure
Weight training stimulates increased blood flow to the muscles. As the muscles toughen, it takes little effort to contract them, which means that your heart does not have to work very hard. This helps in lowering the blood pressure and resting heart rate.
Other Advantages
- It improves the sleeping pattern. With adequate sleep and rest, the regeneration of damaged cells takes place in a proper way, and all our systems tend to work better. This ensures a healthier immune system.
- This training increases the lean body mass which boosts our metabolism.
- It also delays the onset of diabetes, improves heart rate, and increases the levels of good cholesterol in the blood.
- It improves posture and reduces the risk of lower back injuries.
Always remember that while you are in the midst of lifting weights, your blood pressure may temporarily rise. Therefore, people suffering from significant heart problems and uncontrolled high blood pressure must check with their physicians before starting the program.