It is certainly difficult to choose the best HGH supplement among the many that are available. This article gives you an insight about these supplements, along with their side effects.
The human growth hormone is a peptide hormone secreted by the pituitary gland of our body. Also known as somatotropin, it’s secreted during childhood, thus, helping in growth and multiplication of cells. Growth hormone deficient children suffer from various disorders, which become evident during the early years or when children reach adolescence.
However, today hormonal therapies are adopted by doctors to treat disorders associated with HGH deficiency. Growth hormone supplements have become popular mostly among bodybuilders and athletes. Although it’s very difficult to figure out which is the best HGH supplement, we can definitely present to you the list of quality brands acclaimed by many.
These supplements also contain essential amino acids and co-factors that enhance the enzymatic reaction of protein synthesis. A few examples of such elements are gamma aminobutyric acid, novel polyose complex, polyethylene glycol, magnesium stearate, glycoamino acid complex, potassium bicarbonate, L-arginine, L-pyroglutamate, glycine and sodium benzoate powder. Herbal injections and pills are considered to be comparatively safer than the synthetic forms.
For Bodybuilding
Taking injections for this hormone is always not possible to afford. And the supplements are not meant for everyone. Bodybuilders are often seen taking resort to supplements in order to increase their body mass and simultaneously curtailing extra pounds. These supplements promote the growth of bones, and thus, they get quick effects in shorter time span. To avoid the expenses of injections or releasers, people opt for pills and sprays, which are considerably cheaper. The dosage of pills and oral sprays are strictly determined by doctors to avoid over dose and side effects.
For Athletes
The same story holds true for athletes. They require tremendous energy to perform the movements. Sometimes, their potential is not enough to meet the energy requirement. In such cases, supplements containing this element are tremendously beneficial. One must consume products that are approved by FDA and are considered safe for consumption.
Few of the products contain essential substances, like colostrum, L-arginine chromium, resveratrol, GTF and acai berry extracts. People also adopt for hormonal replacement therapies to boost up the level of this hormone inside the body. These supplements also contain a biological substance, known as Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), which is known to decelerate the aging process. You can come to know the brand names of these supplements from the list written below.
Best Supplements
- Secratatropin HGH
- Lifessence HGH+
- UltraMax HGH
- GHR 15
- Somatosome HGH Spray
- Sytropin
- GHR1000
- GenF20
- HGH Energizer
- GHR Essentials
- Cloud Nine HGH
- Provacyl HGH
- Genfx HGH
- Z-Tropin Spray
- Rejuvenate 2000
- Symbiotropin
The most important factor to consider is the safety of the supplements. Getting dependent on them is harmful in the long run. People meet with many side effects that might also be fatal. The side effects are associated with excessive bone growth and bone deformities. Overdose causes acromegaly in both men and women. Acromegaly is a fatal disease, as it decreases the life expectancy of an individual.
Frequent injections drastically lower blood sugar levels, and give rise to thyroid disorders. It stimulates growth of body hair and development of secondary sexual characters in men. Muscle pain, swelling, water retention, bloating, headache, stiffening of arteries, etc., are other symptoms of the overuse of these products. Other side effects include kidney diseases, diabetes, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Even the best supplement will show these side effects if consumed in large excess.
However, it’s always advised to take medical assistance before administering the drugs in the body. The dosage should never be exceeded for getting quick results. The products administered must be FDA approved and authentic. Thus, I must say that, to achieve good results one must intake in moderation, as suggested by doctors.
Disclaimer: This FitnessVigil article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.