The time of the day that one chooses to exercise is a personal choice, but is there really a best time to work out? Let’s find out…
There is absolutely no scientific evidence that can give a satisfactory answer as to the best time to work out. It will differ for each individual depending on the body type and also on the body cycle. It would not be a logic defying claim to say that each individual should work out when they are at their most energetic level, and this ideal time depends on a lot of factors.
Some people feel that the best time to exercise is early in the morning, but others cannot even think of exercising till a few hours after they wake up. It’s all a matter of personal preference, as each person’s body clock and energy levels vary. It also depends on the kind of exercise that is being performed. For instance, going running and jogging as soon as one wakes up is probable, but you cannot possibly start lifting weights immediately after waking up.
Best Time for Cardiovascular Exercises
Cardiovascular exercises are something that can be done at any time during the day. They will always have positive results, no matter what. But the best time of the day to perform these is early in the morning right after you wake up. The reasoning for this is quite simple and elementary to understand. If you perform these exercises during any other time in the day, you will simply be burning up the calories from your last meal. But when you perform them right after waking up, (when you have not eaten anything for the last 8 hours), the calories that are burned are those that are stored as body fat. This is exactly the result that you want, and that is why the best time for a weight loss workout is soon after waking up.
Again, the perfect time depends heavily on the nature of the exercise. Try lifting heavy weights soon after eating, and you will definitely cramp your stomach muscles. If you try to do so in the middle of the afternoon, you may not accomplish much, as the body becomes very lethargic at this time. Thus, you have to figure out the best time for yourself, by paying a lot of attention to the nature of the exercise that you plan to carry out. The advantage of cardiovascular exercises is that you do not even need to go to a gym for it. If you have a treadmill or an exercise bike at home, you can use them as soon as you wake up without wasting any time at all.
Body Clock
Each individual has his own personal Circadian rhythm, also known as a body clock. It is based on the 24-hour rotation of the Earth, and it determines whether an individual is a morning person or a night person. The best time to exercise is heavily influenced by this rhythm, as it plays a part in determining many functions of an individual, like blood pressure, body temperature, hormone levels, and the heart rate. It is very important to take all these factors into consideration. Analyzing one’s body clock to determine when the energy levels are at their highest will help accurately ascertain the best time to go ahead and exercise.
Best Time to Work Out – Morning or Night?
Many experts recommend that everyone should work out in the morning. There are many reasons for this assertion, the most logical one being that the stored up calories are the first to be burned. It’s also true that most people find it hard to find time to exercise later in the day, so by doing it first thing in the morning, there is no chance of missing out later. Plus, the fresh air and the lower temperature in the mornings make it a better time to work out.
In order to make the most of exercising, one should also maintain a healthy lifestyle and sleep on time. Sleeping too late or too little can make waking up in the morning a very difficult task. You should also follow a balanced diet to get more energy and maintain better fitness levels. Simply performing exercises at the right time is not enough, as it must be supplemented with other acts of healthy living as well.