Cellulite is a problem faced by people all over the world. Here is how it can be dealt with through exercise and diet. Have a look…
Technological advances today give us a whole variety of options to choose from in order to make changes to our bodies and the way we look. There are quick and easy methods that we can choose from, such as surgical options, or choose the path of making lifestyle changes in order to bring about the changes we want.
As far as cellulite is concerned, while many people do opt for the quick and easy route, they soon realize that, at best, it is only a temporary remedy. This is because, old eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle soon results in getting the cellulite right back again. Hence, making long-lasting lifestyle changes is one of the best natural ways, to not only get rid of unwanted fat, but keep it off for good.
A low-fat, nutritionally rich diet, combined with a regular exercise regimen has been found to be, not only effective in combating cellulite, but an inexpensive option as well. Cellulite usually accumulates in those parts of the body which do not get adequate circulation, like the hips, the buttocks, and the external areas of the thighs. It has a tendency of settling into the adipose layer of tissue in people who led a sedentary lifestyle, devoid of much physical exertion.
Since women carry and give birth to children, they are particularly prone to it, because they usually have more body fat compared to men. Regular exercises increase metabolism, which in turn helps to burn body fat, along with promoting fluids being circulated, thus preventing their excessive retention.
Cardiovascular exercises like brisk walking, running, indoor aerobics, cycling, swimming, or some form of sports like tennis, football, basketball, and the like, which require prolonged periods of physical exertion, combined with a weight-training exercise program, can be very effective in getting rid of the unsightly ‘orange peel’ look that cellulite causes.
‘Spot’ exercises, which target specific areas of the body, can also be quite effective in removing cellulite. Here are a couple of exercises that can be done to get rid of cellulite in the areas they target:
- Side Leg-lifts: Lie on your side. Tighten the muscles of your top leg, and lift it toward the ceiling, bringing it down again. Repeat this in a smooth motion about 10 – 12 times. Turn on your other side, and repeat. This targets the buttocks and the outer areas of the thighs, helping in reducing and removing cellulite there.
- Buttock Tucks: Lie flat on your back with your legs slightly apart and bent at the knees, with the feet flat on the floor. Your hands should be by your sides, with the palms on the floor. Gently tighten your abdominal and buttock muscles, and curl your buttocks up a few inches off the floor, returning into position. This can be repeated 10 – 12 times. This not only targets the buttocks, but the thighs as well, along with the abdominal muscles.
In addition to exercises, proper nutrition is vitally important as well. Avoiding junk and processed foods is a good way to start. Saturated fats and refined carbohydrates and sugars consumed in excess cause obesity, and hence should be removed from the diet. Whole grains, beans, leafy green vegetables, fresh salads, a variety of fruits, along with lean meats like fish and poultry should form the basis of your daily diet. In general, a low-fat diet is recommended for the overall reduction of body fat, which in turn helps get rid of cellulite.