Using hCG shots in order to lose weight is a recent discovery of medical science, that can have both positive and negative effects on the human body. This article provides some information on the same.
Human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG is a sort of hormone that is produced during pregnancy (by the developing embryo and the placenta). Its main function is to maintain the progesterone formation by preventing the disintegration of the ovarian corpus luteum (ductless gland). Production of the hCG hormone is very critical for a healthy pregnancy. Further, it has also proven effective for the tolerance level of the immune system during pregnancy. There are many key functions of this hormone and it is the prime detector of pregnancy as well. hCG in the form of injections or shots are also believed to be effective for weight loss.
These shots or injections are actually a simple way to introduce the hormone into one’s body. Dr. Albert T. Simeons has researched on the artificial hCG that can be introduced into the human body as a great means for significant weight loss. According to the research, these shots combined with a certain diet can actually help one lose weight. Furthermore, they are injected into the muscle or underneath the skin. However, one should not self-inject it as one needs to fully understand the right method of injecting and disposing the used syringes and needles. Thus, it is better to consult the concerned doctor who would provide the specific instructions on how and where it is to be injected.
In the year 1950, Dr. Albert T. Simeons found out a formula that suggested the combination of a certain low carb diet plan with the hCG shots. This combination has believed to have worked wonders and helped one lose weight as much as one pound per day. These shots, supposedly reduce the body fat and not the lean tissues and hence it is pretty safe to use them. Many people state that they actually make the procedure of weight loss extremely easy, trouble-free, and systematic. Furthermore, they also consider that these shots are a real booster for the metabolism and eventually the weight loss.
There are some rules for the use of the shots with regards to weight loss. One has to follow a strict diet plan. The daily diet of the person using these injections should be a low carb diet with less than 500 calories per day. Along with the hCG shots, the person must also eliminate foods like sugar, artificial sweeteners, flour, and many such items that might disturb the daily 500 calories chart. Moreover, the person must switch to a complete organic diet and rely largely upon salads and raw food items. This is also called hCG diet for weight loss.
- Those who use hCG shots for weight loss often show several signs of blood clotting like severe headache, dizziness, redness, and irritation of the skin, tingling in the arms, numbness of hands and legs, and confusion as well.
- Some women using these injections develop a medical condition called Ovarian Hyper-stimulation Syndrome (OHSS), which is a serious medical condition.
- These shots can also be the cause of early puberty in young boys such as deepness of voice, increased acne, hair growth, and excessive sweating.
- Many people also develop several conditions like hives, breathing difficulty, swelling of the face, mouth, eyes and lips, depression, and pain.
Those affected by certain medical conditions like thyroid, adrenal gland disorders, ovarian cyst, cancer, heart disease, epilepsy, kidney disease, asthma, migraines, and undiagnosed uterine bleeding must always consult the health care provider before opting for these shots. Using these injections can also increase the chances of multiple pregnancy. Pregnant women should not use it for weight loss as it might develop some irreversible birth defects in the new-born babies. Moreover, there can be further complications if a person misses out on a timely injection.
On observation of the aforementioned side effects that are numerous, it is advised that before opting for such methods to lose weight, one should try following a balanced diet and including plenty of exercises as a part of one’s daily routine. In this way, one would not only achieve the weight loss in a healthy manner but it would help maintain one’s overall health as well.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.