Losing weight is all about having a strong will to do so. The point lies in wanting it with pure honesty. If you manage to learn that, then there’s no looking back. Here’s some motivation and some important tips that could help you.
The need to lose weight varies with every case. Whether it’s your wedding day, school reunion, post-pregnancy fat, or meeting your fiance that pushes you to lose weight, what matters more is how do you really plan to lose those extra pounds. There are plenty of diet programs which recommend diet pills and other supplements for losing weight. Unfortunately, one cannot live on pills for a lifetime, and neither is it an ideal plan. Be honest to yourself and answer:
How many times have you made a diet plan for yourself?
Innumerable times! Diets have crashed and all your efforts were in vain. Never mind, make a fresh start to an endeavor that’s going to give you lasting results. As you begin implementing the plan for losing 15 pounds, make sure your mind is ready for it. The moment you cease your attempt to the assiduous cravings, the plan will take a toll on your health. Here’s how you can lose weight fast. Before you begin, remember that a firm decision is what you need to lose weight and not a handsome check for a gym. Here you go!
Week One
Jump start your day with an exercise regime. Those who love going to the gym, pull up your socks and hit the machines. Yoga is an excellent form of exercise too. It indirectly helps in losing weight. It first increases energy levels, which in turn makes a positive impact on the metabolism, helping you lose weight. Replace your morning tea with Green or herbal tea, as it serves the purpose and is an effective antioxidant too. Include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet. For lunch, have whole wheat preparations and preferably avoid rice and other fried items. Let the tea time be only tea time, and not a snack time that includes cakes and sugary food items. Make your dinner the simplest, again go in for whole wheat and items that are easy to digest. End your day with a bowl full of fruits of your choice.
Week Two
Well done for making it to week two! Continue with the exercise routine. Let your breakfast remain the same. Make a change in the lunch, eat in smaller portions, that is, divide your lunch in smaller portions and have a bowl of rice on alternate days. The week one saw herbal teas in the mornings, make it in the evenings too. Keep the dinner same or you can alternate it with some boiled meat portions.
Week Three
Wow! Definitely your body is feeling lighter and more energetic than ever. Suddenly, you can work more than ever and without getting tired too. Surely, even your sleeping patterns have improved. Great! This is not a miracle, but a result of your efforts. Exercising is mandatory again, so continue. Morning dietary intake remains the same again. For lunch, eat only whole wheat items and preferably eliminate rice and other item high in starch content. Have only a cup of herbal tea or if you are bored with the taste, replace it with any fruit juice, minus the sugar. Dinner time has to be simple again. Stick to a vegetarian diet. So eat pulses, boiled veggies and whole wheat items. Add fruits as well for refreshing taste.
Week Four
Finally, congrats for making it here! Your dedication, hard work, and commitment is surely commendable. By now, exercise must have become an indispensable part of your life. For starters that’s a healthy change. Your eating habits must have seen a radical change. Maybe the taste is not all that great, but its effect is a desired one. Continue with the same meal plan as in the previous weeks. At the end of the month watch you would have lost considerable amount of weight. If by now you have lost at least 7 pounds, continue this regime in the following month too to reach your desired outcome of 15.
Ways to lose weight are millions, but deciding which one is meant for you is difficult. The difficulty lies not in picking up the plan, but seeing it through. The reason for the pitfall is nothing but a psychological block of fear and lack of determination. While you are on this weight loss plan, if you feel at any point that it’s not meant for you, don’t get disheartened. The discovery would just mean that you’ve found one more way that wouldn’t work for you. Just remember there are a million weight loss plans out there for you!