Exercises that lengthen the spine are undertaken to correct bad posture and strengthen the core muscles. This helps in lending strength to the overall body. In this following article, we will take you through select exercises that concentrate on spine-lengthening. You can include these in your routine and benefit from the same.
Sit up straight, and stop slouching like that.
Don’t bend like that, bend at the knees instead.
You’ve heard that one before? I have. Several times over. It used to irk me earlier. But now I think it’s the smartest thing to be warned about. Once the spine is gone, there really is not much you can do. It completely thwarts and curbs even the most normal activities. In that direction, undertaking certain spine-lengthening exercises is a must because it helps to, well, strengthen the spine. Why the stress on the spine? Because the spine is an integral part of our body that is responsible for making a range of functions possible. It helps to connect the lower and upper body, helps in the rotation and extension of our body, in carrying out basic functions like running, walking, bending and reaching out as well as in keeping the back in good form. A spine that is bent is therefore going to affect the proper functioning of all these factors.
That is why getting certain spine-lengthening stretches and exercises into the routine becomes very important. In this following section we will concentrate on some of the best spine exercises and help in that direction.
Best Spine-lengthening Exercises
Spine lengthening can be undertaken through several mediums of exercises like using machines and alternative techniques like yoga. In this following section we will concentrate on a mix of these different forms.
Hanging Bar |
Basic Leg Stretch |
Cat Stretch |
Forward Bend |
Cobra Pose |
Along with these exercises, there are several spine-lengthening machines that can be used for the same purpose as well. But if you don’t want to get into the complications of those, then these fairly simple spine-lengthening exercises will be just as effective.