Squats are generally done with weights. However, if you don’t have or do not wish to make use of weights to perform them, even then you can obtain their benefits. This article provides some exercises that you can consider and may prove useful.
Squat is a strength training exercise that is done basically to build and strengthen muscles of the thighs, buttocks, and hips. To add to this, it strengthens the bones, ligaments, and insertion of the tendons present in the lower part of the body. Normally, weights are used to perform squats. It is performed in a standing position. The usual movements involve bending the hips and knees to lower the trunk of the body, lifting the weight, and then coming back to the upright position. They are basically of two types, quarter and parallel. In the quarter squats, the thighs are not brought parallel to the floor while in parallel squats, it is done. According to experts, the deeper the squat is done, the greater the effect it produces.
From the above paragraph, it is clear that these exercises are done using weights. However, there are many people who may not have the weights required to perform them. They may either not wish to spend money on getting membership to a gym or buying weights for home. They would still want to build muscles, strengthen, and tone them up. If your case is similar to a number of such people, you have a simple way out to get the desired effect. The solution is to perform squats that do not require weights.
There are certain squat exercises whose movements have been designed in a way that it exerts nearly the same pressure on the body, and leads it to build muscles and strengthen the already existing ones.
Type 1
Place your hands behind your head. Bend at your knees. Place your foot on the floor. Push your knees out. Look forward and squeeze your glutes simultaneously. Perform this exercise four times a week. This is one of the great leg squats without weights which helps your body build leg muscles fast.
Type 2
Stand straight with your feet kept at a distance. Keep the head up and shoulders stretched slightly to the back. Bring your hands up and place them on the hips. Keeping the posture straight, slowly push your buttocks backward. Bend your body at the hips. Continue doing this till your knees are bent and the thighs are parallel to the ground. Hold this posture on for a minute. Return to the starting position. An initial count of 20-25 is sufficient. Gradually, increase the number of repetitions to 50.
Type 3
Sit on a sturdy chair. Keep the hands straight, bend down at your knees till your body comes close to the floor. Make sure that you keep your back straight while you bend down. Hold the posture for about 30 seconds. Come back to the original position. Wait for a second, then perform it once again. Do it for a count of 20 in the beginning. Try to gradually increase the number of repetitions as you get comfortable and confident.
Type 4
Stand with your feet together. Touch the ankles with your hands. Move both the arms directly outwards such that an upside-down L-shape is formed with the body. Perform a normal squat in this position. A count of 5 is sufficient in the beginning.
Including some of the aforementioned exercises in your fitness regimen might prove beneficial. Perform them properly and to the appropriate count. Their benefits are not less than what is obtained from the normal squats. Follow the exercise regimen with discipline to get your leg muscles more strengthened and toned.
Disclaimer: This FitnessVigil article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.