It takes a lot of time to build your triceps, if you do not follow the right diet and workout routine. The following FitnessVigil article lists a few triceps extension exercises that will help you tone your triceps…
Before I start with the list of exercises, let me tell you one thing – in order to build your body, you should remember three Rs:
- Right Diet
- Right Form
- Right Weight
Even the slightest compromise on any one of the Rs may deprive you of results.
Extension Exercises for Triceps
To perform the exercises, you will need at least one of the following:
- Dumbbell
- Barbell
- Resistance Band
Here I have listed the exercises which require a dumbbell or a barbell.
Name | Steps |
Standing Overhead Triceps Extension | For this exercise you will require a barbell. Take the barbell, and stand keeping shoulder width between your feet. Now, raise the barbell above your head till your arms are completely stretched (your grip should be supinated, and hold your elbows inwards). Keep your upper arms fixed, and slowly lower the barbell. Stop, when your forearms come in contact with your biceps. Now, raise the barbell till your arms are completely extended. Repeat till you complete the desired number of repetitions. |
Lying One Arm Triceps Extension | For this exercise you will require a dumbbell and a flat bench. Lie on the flat bench holding a dumbbell. Hold the dumbbell with a supinated grip, and extend your arm above your chest, such that it is perpendicular to your body – this is your initial position. Now, lower the dumbbell, have control over your motion. You can use your other arm for assistance, by placing it on the arm which you are using to lift weight (either on the wrists or on the biceps). Now, raise your arm to the initial position. Repeat till you finish the desired number of repetitions. Perform the same exercise using your other arm.
Note: If you use a pronated grip the target area will change. |
Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extension | For this exercise you will require dumbbells and a bench (incline/flat). Take 2 dumbbells and lie on the bench. Extend your arms over your chest. Your palms should face each other. Keep your elbows in, and lower the dumbbells till they reach your ear (keep your upper arms stationary while doing so). Now, slowly bring the dumbbells above your chest. Repeat till you complete the desired number of repetitions. |
Lying Triceps Extension Using Cable | For this exercise you will require a cable and bench (flat/incline). Lie on the bench, such that you are facing away from the pulley, and hold the straight bar attachment on the cable above your chest (your arms should be perpendicular to your body). You should have a pronated grip, and the distance between your palms should be less than your shoulder width. Keep your upper arm fixed, and let the straight bar move towards the pulley. Now, exert and pull the bar above your chest. Repeat till you complete the desired number of repetitions. |
Triceps Extension Using Chains | For this exercise you will require a flat bench, chains, and cable handles. Attach the cable handles to the chains. Hold the handles and lie on the bench. Extend your arms (grip should be pronated) above your chest. Now, lower the handles, do not move your upper arms while doing so. Now, again extend your arms, and hold this position for a few seconds. Repeat till you complete the desired number of repetitions. |
One Arm Dumbbell Triceps Extension | For this exercise you will require a military press bench and a dumbbell. Take the dumbbell and sit on the bench. Raise the dumbbell above your head, such that you arm is fully extended, and is close to your head. Rotate your wrist in such a way that your thumb faces downwards – this is your starting position. Now, lower the dumbbell towards the back of your head. Keeping your upper arm fixed, bring your arm to the initial position. Repeat till you complete the desired number of repetitions.
Note: You can also perform this triceps exercise while standing. You can use your other hand to support the arm lifting weight. |
Lying Triceps Extension | For this exercise you will require a bench (flat/incline), and a barbell. Grab the barbell and lie on the bench. The distance between your palms should be less than your shoulder width. You should have a pronated grip. Extend your arms, such that they are perpendicular to your body – this is your initial position. Slowly lower the barbell over your head until your forearms come in contact with your biceps. Bring the barbell to the initial position, and repeat till you complete the desired number of repetitions.
Note: Keep your elbows inwards, and your arms stationary while doing this exercise. |
Standing Bent-over Triceps Extension | For this exercise you will require dumbbells. Stand with dumbbells in your hands. Lower your body such that your back is almost parallel to the floor. Hold the dumbbell in such a way, that your upper arms are closer to your torso, and your forearms are perpendicular to your upper arms – this is your starting position. Keep your upper arms stationary, and move your forearms such that your pinkies face the ceiling. Now, bring the dumbbells back to the starting position. Repeat till you complete the desired number of repetitions. Note: You can also perform this exercise using one arm. |
Kneeling Triceps Extension | For this exercise you will require a cable and a flat bench. Take the flat bench and place it in front of the pulley. Attach a bar to the cable. Hold the bar, kneel down facing away from the pulley, and place your forehead, and your elbows, on the bench. Bend your elbows in such a way that your forearms point towards the machine – this is your starting position. Now, pull the cable away from the pulley (do not move your elbows). Once your forearms are parallel to the bench, return to the starting position. Repeat till you complete the desired number of repetitions. |
Rope Overhead Triceps Extension | For this exercise you will require a cable and a rope. Attach the rope to the bottom pulley. Hold the rope firmly with both your hands (palms should face each other). Completely extend your arms over your head (arms should be close to your head). Now, slowly lower the rope towards the pulley. Stop when your forearms touch your triceps, and then pull the rope over your head once again. Repeat till you complete the desired number of repetitions.
Note: You can also get the same effect if you use a dumbbell instead of a rope in this exercise. |
These triceps exercises mentioned above will surely help you increase the size of your upper arms. Do not forget to exhale while exerting in an exercise. Regular workout, coupled with a balanced diet, will surely give you a great body, you just have to be patient and determined!
Note: You can use resistance bands instead of barbells and dumbbells, and get the same effect.