There are many books and programs available in the market, which guarantee six pack abs and weight loss. However, there is little information about their effectiveness. The following article provides information about the "The Truth About Abs" program available on Internet.
“The Truth About Abs”, is a book written by a certified personal trainer and nutrition expert, Mike Geary. More than 5,00,000 copies of which have been sold on the Internet. The book is a guide for everyone who wishes to lose the belly fat, and have a flat and toned stomach in the shortest time period. Looking at its popularity and record-breaking sales, people who plan to start this exercise program want to be sure that it actually works. Because people have been fooled a lot of times in the past, by certain fad diets, weight loss pills, or exercise routines, which never actually worked.
Abs Program
The program is based on a simple principle that a combination of a certain diet and a regular exercise routine is what is required to achieve six pack abs. According to this program, initially a full-body workout should be undertaken to reduce the fat from all over the body. When the body fat percentage falls below 10%, six pack abs will become visible on its own. The book then suggests some unconventional exercises, which can be performed using a ball to get the desired result. Besides the exercises, the book also contains information on the right kind of diet along with low-fat recipes, which aid and supplement the exercise program.
Is it a Scam?
If you wondering about the effectiveness of this program, then the first thing that you need to know is that it is not a scam. If this program was indeed a fraud, it would not have become the number one abs program on the Internet, in terms of sales. Also, a number of people are enrolling in this program and recommending it to others. In spite of so many people wondering about the truth, its sales have still not been affected, thus confirming that there is nothing wrong with this program.
One’s doubts can also be cleared by the various websites which have the reviews, written by people who are following this program. If you go through them, you will find that most of the people using this program are satisfied with the results. There are hardly any negative reviews pertaining to this program.
The program also offers a very low cost trial. The consumer has to pay only USD 4.95 upfront for the processing, and the rest USD 35.00 is charged within the next 21 days. Only if the consumer likes the trial program, he can go ahead and order for the rest. In case it does not satisfy him, there is always an option of not ordering the rest of the program. Hence, it is not a scam as the person has to pay only USD 5. In addition to this, it has a money back guarantee, i.e., people who are not satisfied with the results after sixty days, can get their money back.
So, any program offering such a low cost trial or money back guarantee can’t be a scam. Also, the combination of exercises and diet which this program offers, is something all fitness experts believe in and recommend. To be successful in this program, a person needs to put a lot of hard work as it is not a quick solution.