Yogic asanas are body positions that not only help to improve one’s flexibility, but also promote physical and mental well-being. The following FitnessVigil write-up provides a list of yoga poses along with their Sanskrit names.
Yoga originated in India, and comes from a Sanskrit word ‘Yog’. It means to join or unite. This is an ancient discipline that helps in the integration of the body with the mind.
When you practice yoga, you perform different poses or asanas that offer numerous health benefits. Here’s a list of these poses along with the yoga pose names in Sanskrit.
Yogic Postures and Their Sanskrit Names
Here’s a list of postures you can perform from the comforts of your home. We have also provided the Sanskrit names. You can use the names to find more information about each of these postures. Make sure that you do not go overboard while doing these poses, and remember to breathe normally throughout the workout session.
Sanskrit Name | English Name |
Adho Mukha Svanasana | Downward-facing dog pose |
Adho Mukha Vṛksasana | Handstand (Downward-facing tree) pose |
Akarna Dhanurasana | Bow posture (up to ear pose) |
Anjali Mudra | Salutation hand posture |
Anantasana | Vishnu’s couch pose |
Ardha Chandrasana | Half moon pose |
Ardha Matsyendrasana | Half spinal twist pose |
Ardha Navasana | Half boat pose |
Baddha Konasana | Bound angle pose |
Bakasana | Crane pose |
Balasana | Child’s pose |
Bhekasana | Frog pose |
Bharadvajasana | Bharadvaja’s twist pose |
Bhujangasana | Cobra pose |
Chakrasana | Wheel pose |
Chaturanga Danḍasana | Four-limbed staff pose |
Danḍasana | Staff pose |
Dhanurasana | Bow pose |
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana | One-legged king pigeon pose |
Eka Pada Sirsasana | Head stand (foot behind the head pose) |
Eka Pada Prasarana Sarvangatulasana | Balance posture for the whole body by extending one leg |
Garuḍasana | Eagle pose |
Garbhasana | Fetus pose |
Gomukhasana | Cow face pose |
Halasana | Plow pose |
Hanumanasana | Pose named after Hanuman |
Jathara Parivartanasana | Revolved abdomen pose |
Janusirsasana | Head-to-knee forward bend pose |
Kakasana | Crow pose |
Kapotasana | Pigeon pose |
Karnapiḍasana | Ear-pressing pose |
Krauncasana | Heron pose |
Kukkutasana | Cockerel pose |
Kūrmasana | Tortoise pose |
Lolasana | Pendant pose |
Mahamudra | Great seal posture |
Makarasana | Crocodile (relaxation) pose |
Muktahastasirsasana | Head stand pose |
Manḍalasana | Circle pose |
Matsyasana | Fish pose |
Matsyendrasana | Lord of the fish pose |
Mayūrasana | Peacock pose |
Natarajasana | Lord of the Dance or Dancer pose |
Niralamba Sarvangasana | Unsupported shoulder stand |
Padahastasana | Standing forward bend pose |
Padmasana | Lotus pose |
Paripūrnanavasana | Full Boat pose |
Parivṛttabaddaparsvakonasana | Revolved side angle pose |
Parivṛttatrikonasana | Revolved triangle pose |
Paryankasana | Couch pose |
Pasasana | Noose pose |
Pascimottanasana | Seated forward bend pose |
Prasaritapadottanasana | Intense spread leg stretch pose |
Rajakapotasana | Royal pigeon pose |
Salabhasana | Locust pose |
Samakonasana | Straight angle pose |
Sarvangasana | Shoulder stand pose |
Savasana | Corpse pose (relaxation) |
Setubandhasarvangasana | Shoulder-supported bridge pose |
Sethubandasana | Bridge pose |
Siddhasana | Perfect pose |
Siṁhasana | Lion pose |
Sirsasana | Head stand |
Sukhasana | Easy pose |
Suptabaddhakonasana | Reclining bound angle pose |
Suptakonasana | Angle pose |
Supta Padangusthasana | Catching the big toe (supine) pose |
Suptavirasana | Reclining hero pose |
Suptavajrasana | Thunderbolt pose |
Svastikasana | Auspicious pose |
Taḍasana | Mountain pose |
Tittibhasana | Firefly pose |
Trikonasana | Triangle pose |
Tulasana | Balance posture |
Uḍḍiyanabandha | The abdominal lock pose |
Upavistakonasana | Open angle pose |
Urdhva Dhanurasana | Upward-facing bow pose |
Urdhvamukhasvanasana | Upward-facing dog pose |
Urdhvadanḍasana | Stick pose |
Ustrasana | Camel pose |
Uttanakūrmasana | Upside-down tortoise pose |
Utkatasana | Chair pose |
Uttanasana | Standing forward bend pose |
Utthitahastapadangusthasana | Standing big toe hold pose |
Utthitaparsvakonasana | Extended side angle pose |
Utthitatrikonasana | Extended triangle pose |
Vasisthasana | Side plank pose |
Vatayanasana | Horse pose |
Viparitakarani | Legs-up-the-wall pose |
Vajrasana | Thunderbolt pose |
Virasana | Hero pose |
Virabhadrasana | Distinguished hero pose |
Vṛksasana | Tree pose |
Vṛscikasana | Scorpion pose |
This was a concise list of yoga poses. As you can see, most of the poses are inspired by nature. Regular practice will enhance your flexibility and strengthen your body. Rediscover and liberate yourself by practicing yoga regularly.