This article deals with some breast reduction exercises, which is a better option than undergoing a surgery. The exercises have been divided into two sections, one for women and the other for men because, even men sometimes, develop large breasts due to a medical condition, which has been talked about in the latter part of the article.
Some People are very self-conscious due to the size of their breasts. Large breasts sometimes look out of proportion, they catch the unwanted attention that no one appreciates much. Large breasts can also create several health issues, mainly the back pain!
It is a common misconception among many people that there is only one way out of this problem, and that is the breast reduction surgery. Breast reduction procedure costs quite a large sum of money, and also has some cons to it.
Female breast reduction is a thing that can be solved with the help of proper exercises. However, male breast reduction needs a timely intervention as well as some extra efforts to solve the problem.
It is not the end of the world though, as there is one simple solution to solve this problem, and that is the breast reduction exercises. There are several basic exercises that can help in the process of breast reduction, naturally.
Take Note
The breast size tends to be well in proportion to our body. However, some do have particularly large breasts. In other words, the size is decided genetically.
The size definitely does undergo changes in men (usually due to hormone imbalance) and women (due to the body weight — being pregnant, overweight, etc.), which can kept under check by maintaining proper fitness levels.
When you shed weight by following a proper fitness regime, it occurs from all parts of your body, including the breasts. Nevertheless, do bear in mind that breasts are also genetically inclined to retain certain amount of fat. Also, it is important to know that there is no specific diet that works towards reducing the breast size alone.
For Women
You must try out the exercises before even thinking about a surgery. The composition and the size of the breasts can be hereditary, but it mainly depends upon the fats that get saturated in tissues of that particular region of the body. There are several easy exercises that can be performed for effective breast reduction.
Push ups is an easy exercise that you can perform for breast reduction. Push ups create a great impact on the chest muscles and make them stronger and leaner.
For that, one has to lie on the stomach, on the floor, and keep the hands near the shoulders. Now, pull the body up, till it becomes parallel to the floor, and then pull in the stomach muscles. Practice to keep the body in a straight line and lower the body towards the ground. Push the body back up just before it touches the floor. Repeat for better results.
Aerobic Exercises
Correct aerobic exercises are the best for breast reduction in a naturally way.
Almost all aerobic exercises, like, jogging, running, walking, cross-country skiing, bicycling, step aerobics, etc., are very helpful for the overall body fat reduction. Following the best aerobics exercises for 4 weeks and more, can really prove helpful. Start slowly, and then increase the speed gradually to have at least two exercise sessions per day.
Weight Loss Programs
Fat tissues can be reduced by following a correct weight loss program, which includes proper diet and the best exercise routine that will help you lose weight in a faster as well as the most natural way.
Breast reduction exercises concentrate on the same issues, i.e., to reduce the body effectively. One needs to get leaner and stronger with certain kind of fat burning exercises along with a balanced diet, which can help you reduce excessive fat and help the cause of breast reduction as well.
For Men
Over development of breasts in men is a medical condition that is also called Gynecomastia, which is a result of severe hormonal imbalance and side effects of several drugs. Nonetheless, development of breasts in men look dreadful and embarrassing.
Upper Chest Exercises

Upper chest exercises and several workouts, like, bench press, push ups, chest press, chest fly, pullovers, and other body toning exercises will certainly prove helpful for breast reduction, as they provide a firmer and leaner chest.
Several lower chest exercises work great in comparison with the spot workouts and training regimes. Breast reduction is nothing but burning the fat from the chest region and making it leaner and firmer. So, some rigorous chest workouts will be more than beneficial for reduction of the breasts.
Strength Training

Muscle building exercises or strength training is the best method that men can utilize to get the utmost benefits out of it.
Some of them include fat burning, increasing metabolism, increasing strength of nerve tissues and muscles, injury prevention, restoring and increasing bone density, and increasing flexibility as well. Strength training is one of the best exercises for men.
Along with the strength training exercises, it is also important to have a healthy diet to keep your body running as well as healthy!
Cardiovascular Exercises
As stated over and over again, the process of breast reduction involves reducing excess fat from the body. Hence, it is very important to burn the excessive fat from the body, in general. Cardiovascular exercises are the best to reduce chest fat and the overall fat from the body.
Cardiovascular exercises like running and jogging, cycling, swimming, workouts on elliptical machines, and indulging into lots of field sports are some of the best cardiovascular exercises for reducing the size of the breasts.
Many people debate over the cogency of the mentioned exercises, and they even complain that these workouts do not give the desired results they aim for; which is not wrong either. One has to spend quality time on exercise routines and healthy food to accompany the same. If nothing happens, the option of surgery is always open.
Disclaimer: The information given does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by a fitness expert on the subject.