There is no magic formula that shows you how to get six pack abs in 3 weeks time. All you need to do is stick to a hardcore regime of exercise, diet, and sleep. This article provides some information on the same.
Everyone familiar with the Internet would have definitely come across certain websites that claim to know the secret to getting a ripped abdomen, and can show you how to get them in 3 weeks, or in a month. While this may sound like a very tempting proposition, one should not fall for such false claims that ask you to pay anything.
The only secret about six pack abs is the one that you have probably heard many times in the past, and that is hard work. There is no secret ingredient or magic formula that can give you a flat stomach and washboard abs overnight. Three weeks is also a time frame in which it is extremely hard to achieve the same. The reason for this is that getting six pack abs requires you to not just eat a healthy diet and follow strict exercise, but it also requires a blend of diet and exercises that suits your body type and personality and also takes into account your genetic and hereditary history.
Getting Six Pack Abs
To get six pack abs fast is a kind of contradiction in itself. Six pack abs is something that people achieve after years and years of hard work and dedication. If it was simple enough to get six pack abs in 3 weeks with ease, then everyone would be sporting it now. The most important quality to possess is commitment. Furthermore, it includes the perseverance to push yourself through barriers of pain, the ability to work out for hours at a stretch, and the resilience to not give up, even though your body feels like stopping.
Before you begin with any form of exercises, learn to follow a proper diet. If you wish to achieve your goal, then gorging and munching on those chips, pizzas, or sodas would have to be avoided. You need to control not only the amount of food that enters your body, but also its constituents. The idea here is to reduce the amount of fat and calories that are being consumed by you, and at the same time consume foods that help in building muscle.
Consuming certain kinds of abs diet might prove helpful. Before you can actually get washboard abs, you need to lose the excess weight around your stomach. This can only be achieved through cardiovascular exercises. In order to lose weight, you can also follow the Atkins diet. Eating a balanced diet with enough of every mineral and vitamin will provide nourishment and strength to your body, and provide you with the energy that will enable you to exercise for hours at a stretch.
Eating a lot of proteins will help build the muscles in your abdomen, and also give you ounces of energy. Do not consume too much fat, as this will only add to the layers and tires on your belly. Getting six pack abs in a month can only be set in motion by regularly and wholeheartedly sticking to a dietary plan that you know will work.
Everyone knows that the only way to exercise abs is by doing crunches. There are some people who advocate the use of some machines that they claim will get you six pack abs in 3 weeks, but this does not work. There is no replacement for old-fashioned stomach crunches. The ways to get six pack abs for women is not very different from the process for men. It’s only the intensity of the exercises that would vary and some other minor variations that would exist. There is simply no substitute for perspiration and hard work though. Women who are pregnant should refrain from these exercises, even if they are in the early stages of pregnancy.
The best part about the various abs exercises is that they can be performed anywhere, even at home. Achieving this desired result at home is pretty much the same as getting it at the gym. The only difference is that there will be a personal trainer who will initially show you the way around over there, and there would be other people who can motivate you. The obvious disadvantage is that there are many distractions at the gym, and you may spend more time socializing than actually exercising.
This is not an easy task, and not many people are capable of pulling this off. Along with a proper diet, rigorous exercise, undying commitment, and unlimited willpower, one also needs the right body type. Not everyone’s body is capable of building six pack abs in 3 weeks. Furthermore, boosting metabolism will certainly help. If you are venturing on this mission, do not give up if you did not achieve six pack abs in 3 weeks. Keep at it with the same amount of dedication, and in a few more weeks you will surely achieve your goal.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only. Always consult a physician before starting any physical fitness program in order to reduce the risk of injury.