Read on for a holistic, healthy way to melt those extra kilos that you have piled on, in 30 days…
Hmmm. So can you lose 30 pounds in 30 days? Well, when it comes to losing weight, you cannot really make any prediction, now can you? For the simple reason that our bodies are different. How serious we are about losing weight, differs from person to person too. And will power? How many of us have the will power to give up our favorite food and stick to an exercise routine? Instead of limiting yourself to a particular time frame or thinking of losing X amount of weight, concentrate on healthy weight loss, by following the ways mentioned here.
Make up Your Mind!
The first step and perhaps the most important one in losing weight is to make up your mind. Tell yourself that you CAN lose weight! Tell yourself that you WANT to be healthy and fit and that you are willing to make all the necessary changes in your lifestyle and diet to achieve the same in the most healthy manner.
Take a Balanced Diet!
The food that we eat plays a major role in the kind of health condition we have. So, from today onwards, make sure that you take a healthy, balanced diet. A diet which gives your body the right amount of calcium, fiber, carbohydrates, proteins, fats (yes they are necessary too!) minerals and vitamins. Any weight loss diet, including the diet to lose 30 pounds in 30 days as you are looking for, if it only causes you to lose weight fast, without any emphasis on healthy eating is not worth anything. In the long run, besides a slim body, a healthy body is what will keep you going!
Eliminate “Bad” Foods from the Diet!
Eliminate the “Bad” foods from your diet. Now, for any overweight person, what are these “bad” foods? Here goes the list – pizzas, cakes, pastries, chips, biscuits, donuts, carbonated drinks and alcohol. In short, do not even go near fatty, fried and oily foods if you are serious about weight loss!
Eat the Whole Day!
Yes! Eat the whole day if you are looking to lose weight! Confused? Well, according to what I have seen, when a person does not eat for a very long time, he tends to eat whatever he can lay his hands on (read high calorie chips, cookies and ice creams!). So, to avoid this, spread your meals evenly throughout the day. Take five to six meals at regular intervals and the last one i.e. dinner at least two hours before sleeping to give the body enough time to digest it.
Exercise Daily!
A healthy diet has to be combined with an exercise routine. Cardiovascular exercises such as swimming, cycling, running, walking, playing various sports and aerobics are a must to lose weight. So, at least thrice a week, undertake them for 45 – 60 minutes. Combine them with stretching exercises as well as exercises that target a particular body part to tone your body. If you have never exercised before, training under a professional is a good idea.
Manage Stress!
Many people tend to overeat when they are under some sort of stress, leading to weight gain. So, along with an exercise routine, undertake any of the stress management activities such as breathing exercises, yoga or meditation, on a regular basis for healthy weight loss.
Keep the Body Hydrated!
Drink two to three liters of water everyday. Water keeps the body hydrated, suppresses the hunger pangs and at the same time, aids in digestion and elimination of wastes from the body.
As I have mentioned above, to lose 30 pounds or quick weight loss should not be your goal. Instead, follow the tips given here and aim for a healthy living!