There are many leg exercises which can be done at home with weights, and certain exercises that can be done with weights at a gym. Read on, to know the 5 best leg workouts for men.
Many men while bodybuilding will focus on the upper body. Thus, they will follow a workout routine which involves exercises that help build the upper muscles like chest, abs, back, biceps, triceps, etc. This leads to a well-built upper body, however many men will give only one day a week for leg workout. By focusing mainly on the upper body and not focusing on the hips and leg muscles. One will have muscle bulk more in the upper body compared to the lower body. This leads to a disproportionate appearance. Hence, while on a bodybuilding workout, it is important that you equally focus on the lower body too.
Given below are exercises which can be done at home without using weights. However, to increase the intensity of the workout you can use dumbbells. But, if you are a beginner then do squats and lunges without weights. Also, there is another leg workout which is leg press which needs a machine and shouldn’t be performed by beginners. However, this exercise focuses on the complete leg, which makes it one of the best leg workout.
Squats: To perform squats, stand upright with your feet at shoulder-width distance and keep your hands at the sides. Now start slowly lowering your body as if sitting on a chair. Hold this position for a few seconds, and then return to starting position. Make sure you maintain your feet flat on the floor facing forward, while performing the exercise. Perform 3 sets of 15 squats each.
Glutes Bent Kick Crosses: This workout helps to tone up the buttocks. To perform it, get down on your hands and knees, and raise one leg a few inches from the floor, bending the leg at a 90 degree angle. This is your beginning position for this exercise. Now push the leg up and back, while forcing your heel to the ceiling. Do this 5 – 7 times, then change the leg and repeat the exercise.
Lunges: To perform lunges, stand straight with your hands at the sides. Then take a long stride with your right leg and then raise your left heel; so that only the toes are touching the floor. Maintain your chin up and back straight throughout the exercise. Now, gradually lower your body till your left knee is almost touching the floor, and hold this position for a few seconds, and return to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 15 lunges each.
Doorknob Squat: To perform this exercise, stand in front of the door with your feet at hip-width distance. Maintain chest up and arms straight, and bend your hips and knees to lower your body. Lean backwards and hold this position for a few seconds, and go back to the starting position. Perform 4 sets of 15 repetitions each of this exercise.
Leg Press: If you are a beginner to this workout, then seek an instructor’s help. To perform this exercise, position yourself on the machine. Then put your feet up and hands on the sides at the grips. Keep your back straight against the support. Then lower the weight till your legs are at a 90 degree angle. Then again raise the weight with your heels. Perform 10 repetitions and around 2 – 3 sets.
So, include the above leg exercises in your weight training program. These exercises will not only help you to put on muscles in the leg region, but also help to build more strength in the legs.