For men, to arrest a growing waistline, ab exercises come in handy. Doing these exercises does not require a lot of time, nor is it very difficult.
A growing mid-region is not just a problem in the United States. It is an obstacle faced by men all over the world. It can be attributed to lifestyle choices, like irregular and unhealthy eating patterns, and little or no exercise whatsoever. Abdominal exercises help greatly to tackle this issue. They work not just on the stomach or core muscles, but also the hip and lower back muscles. Although there is a predominant shift towards working with a lot of weights, you will find that the most effective workouts are the ones which use little or no weights, apart from the body weight.
Effective Ab Workouts
Among abdominal exercises, the sit-up is a very popular form of workout. This helps to tone and strengthen the upper, lower, and the middle abs. 10 to 15 minutes of exercise every alternate day is sufficient to see results.
Bicycle Crunch
This exercise works all parts of the abdomen, and is, therefore, very good for the abdominal muscles. Lie on your back and extend both your legs out straight. Place your hands behind your head, so that your neck is well supported. Now lift your upper body off the floor. Fold the right leg and bring it in towards the chest; try to touch the left elbow to the right knee. Then gradually extend the right leg out and fold the left leg in. This time try to touch the right elbow to the left knee. While doing this, your legs and shoulders should remain elevated from the floor. Repeat this 10 to 12 times with each leg.
Leg Pull-ins
Sit on the floor such that your legs are bent, and your feet are placed in front of you. Place your hands behind you. Balance your weight on your hands as you lift your feet off the floor. Now bring your knees closer to your chest, and then extend them straight in front of you without touching the floor. Repeat this 12 to 15 times before you touch your feet back down.
Plank Pose
Lie on the floor on your stomach. Place your palms on the floor, exactly below your shoulder, such that if a person is standing above you, he should not be able to see your hands. Now lift your chest, stomach, and thighs off the floor. Balance your weight on your hands and toes. Ensure that your core does not drop down to the floor. Hold the position for 15 to 20 counts, slowly come down, then repeat the pose.
V Crunch
Lie on your back and lift your legs off the floor, such that they are perpendicular to it. Now place your hands behind your head and lift your shoulder off the floor. Try to get the torso closer to your legs. Slowly come back down, but do not touch the shoulder to the floor, and come back up again. When you are doing this exercise make sure you do not move your legs. Repeat it 12 to 15 times.
To do this exercise, lie on your back and place your hands next your body. Extend your legs out straight. Gradually lift your legs 8 to 10 inches off the floor and cross the legs once; release the cross immediately. Now lift your legs up in the air, so that they are perpendicular to the floor. Cross the legs in the opposite side, release the crossing immediately, and lower the legs. However, do not touch the floor. Repeat the exercise 12 to 15 times.
Along with these ab exercises, it is also important to include some cardiovascular workouts in your daily routine. Before you do these, it is important that you do some warm up exercises to prevent any kind of injury. Proper nutrition is also required to obtain the best results.